Pericles – Director’s blog 13

This is my final director’s blog for Pericles and time to draw to a close my thoughts about the production from a slightly more objective two days after the event perspective. It has been an epic experience this production for me in many ways and there have been massive journeys made by myself and our company of 36. For me personally it has been pleasing that I know I am capable of producing work for a theatre of this scale with what I hope has been a piece of daring and creativity. For the company they are richer for having performed beyond expectation with a tricky and demanding play and come out the other side truly bonded as a company – as the post-show party photos show!

It’s difficult to evaluate your own work as it feels slightly pretentious to pat yourself on the back and talk of perceived successes so I’ll leave that to other people who came to see the show. I can talk about the experience though which has been wholly positive from start to finish and we have continued the youth theatre’s strong legacy of work in the building and have hopefully furthered its reputation for producing work of excitment and high artistic quality. I had the good fortune to work with many talented cast members, some of whom are moving on to further climes whilst others will remain with us and create further works in the future. The production team has been immense and the quality of all the production elements matched the usual high quality of YTR professional work.

So as the time runs out on my internet library connection it just leaves me to reminise for a while longer and hope you enjoyed the show and will continue to support our work in the future and…follow my soon to be starting blog about my next production of An Exact Science? on in the studio theatre in late May…looking back is nice but you’ve always got to look forward. Best wishes, Julian x

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