Ok… let’s get blocking – Armada Rehearsal blog by Kelly Derbyshire

As another Monday approached, another week of armada rehearsals was about to begin. This week was the start of floor rehearsals and a chance to see the exciting script come to life. The separate rehearsals for members of the cast must have been a success as by Thursday and Friday we were running each act and adding all ensemble pieces.

We started the evening with a hearty sing song of all the music from armada (most of the company without folders!) But on the upside we were making a great sound and the title song of the production also called “Armada” sounded powerful and punchy (hopefully this was how Rob intended it to sound!)

Ok … Lets get blocking.

Beheading scene – Check

Plymouth town bay – Check (including a very disgruntled yet comical Phillip aka Sailor Phil)

And then came armada. With a few members of the cast missing, setting the scene was harder than it looked. Trying to incorporate the unusual and innovative shape and design of the stage was Key ! Anyway after a few attempts we got there, add a few hints of some Les Mis movements and we were ready to set sail !!

It looked brilliant and will end the first act with a BANG!

For the sailors and Gals our week wasn’t over as we had scheduled a Sunday rehearsal to work on our show stopping number “who wears the trousers” . Reece was choreographer and we were his puppets. But I’m sure Reece would agree very good puppets!! After a few steps here and there , Reece Started to show us some more intricate movements and steps which will make the number memorable (I know us 6 won’t forget it in a hurry). We even considered having Dr. John Dee as a backing dancer in the number. I won’t give too much away but jumps, spins and kicks are all involved along with some very feminine movements that the boys are enjoying way too much!

4 hours later, 2 bags of sweets and countless bottles of water,along with 6 tired sailors and gals had completed the number. Now we have to remember it! Best get practising then!!

One Response

  1. Great sound – the ensemble songs are some of the best I have heard – now to bring the acting up to scratch!

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