YAC auditions!

Audition call for Young Actors

York Theatre Royal Young Actors Company (YAC) is holding auditions for their latest production of How to Disappear Completely and Never be Found by Fin Kennedy. The production will take place in the studio theatre 21st – 24th March.  

Charlie’s used up 8 of his 9 lives; in debt, in trouble and in despair, he holds the urn of his cremated mother in his hands. With his life crumbling around him he is offered the chance to change his one remaining life forever. But to do this he will have to make ‘Charlie’ disappear forever…

YAC was created for 18-25 year olds with the objective of providing performance opportunities for young adults, acting as a bridge for some into the professional industry. The artistic vision of the company has a specific focus on new, contemporary and site-specific work. The company is run by artistic director Julian Ollive, the theatre’s Education and Young Actors Associate. Founded in 2008 the YAC first produced three new site-specific pieces for the York Youth Mysteries. Since then the company have produced a new piece of work exploring questions and ethics around genetics called An Exact Science? EQUUS as part of the TakeOver09 festival, Terrorism, Elsewhere in collaboration with Belt Up Theatre, Celebrating Severus at The Yorkshire Museum and most recently Little Angels by Hannah Davies.

Auditions are being held at the Theatre Royal on December 13th and 15th December from 7 – 9.30pm. We are looking for an ensemble of eight company members who will play multiple parts between the ages of 18 – 25 yrs. Auditions will take place as a whole group. We are looking for committed and passionate young people between 18 – 25 yrs old who are available to rehearse Wednesday and Thursday evenings and Sunday afternoons from January 18th. This is an exciting opportunity to create and perform in a contemporary play in a movement-driven style in a professional environment.

For more information and to book for into an audition day email julian@yorktheatreroyal.co.uk or call Julian Ollive on 01904 658162.