Death of a Salesman – Joseph Rowntree School Pupil Ambassadors Reviews

The entire cast manage what I believed to be impossible, they make their characters human.


The four main actors were outstanding

George Costigan kept the fire blazing in the play, with Willy’s fury, which seemed to appear out of nowhere very often. However, he still managed to suddenly droop and become this lonely, sad version of Willy, which made your heart ache inside.

Death of a Salesman was an absolutely AMAZING play… This play will make you laugh, warm your heart, feel full of anger and bring tears to your eyes. 


The set is amazing

…the actors where magnificent. You could feel the tension between the Loman family and I, personally, really felt sorry for Willy as you could sense that he was seriously breaking down.

This was the first play I’ve ever seen at the York Theatre Royal and I’m really glad I saw it.


The props and scenery were very recognisable which created an atmosphere in the theatre


[Joseph Rye] playing Biff showed his conflicting feelings towards his father very effectively – he seemed like a confused and ‘lost’ character.

George Costigan gave a very ‘real’ and convincing performance.


The acting was amazing, and was very believable as you could imagine the Lomans being a family in real life.


George Costigan’s performance as Willie Loman was outstanding… He mesmerises the audience, to the point of being on the edge of their seats, not knowing what is going to happen next.

I would highly recommend the individual performances, the imaginative staging, and everything about the play, a real ‘must-see’!


The entire design was magnificent

George Costigan played Willy perfectly throughout, switching instantly between one thought in Willy’s head and the next

…the outstanding performance was that of Joseph Rye playing Biff


George Costigan played the part of Willy Loman brilliantly

‘Death of a Salesman’, is a superb production by Damian Cruden, and a wonderfully well worked piece


With the credit crunch all over the headlines, this humorous but amazingly moving play does make you realise how lucky you are.


Death of a Salesman – Your Review

mediumimage399-1We’d love to find out what you thought of our production of Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller, directed by Damian Cruden. Did you love the staging? Was the acting amazing? Did the show exceed your expectations? What were your expectations? Would you recommend this show to a friend?

Short Video Trailer

Damian Cruden, Artistic Director of York Theatre Royal talks about his latest production, Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman.