Community Cast Profile- Nik Fenwick who plays Lord

YTR: Do you have any previous theatre experience, if so tell us a bit about what you have done?

NF: Whilst at Royal Academy of Music I played Germany in ‘Oh what a lovely war’ and Autolucus in ‘A Winters Tale. Prior to this I was at Bretton Hall playing Theoklymenos in ‘Helen of Troy’, Daryl in ‘The Witches of Eastwick’ and Parker in ‘Batboy!’. Whilst in York I’ve played Pilate in ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’, Chuck in ‘Footloose’ and Dave in ‘The Full Monty’ all at the Opera House.

YTR:What do you do as a job and/ or in your spare time?

NF: In the evenings I teach singing, direct and am a vocal coach for amateur groups. In my spare timeI enjoy going out with friends for meals or trips to the cinema.

YTR:What was the first theatre production you saw and what’s the best thing you’ve seen on stage?

NF: First ting I saw was Panto at Newcastle Theatre Royal. The best thing would be something by Kneehigh or one of Propellers Shakespeare productions

YTR: What are you enjoying about being in Forty Years On so far?

NF: Reliving my school days! Being able to be cheeky and naughty without the threat of detention this time though!

Quick fire round…
What’s your favourite…?

Film: P.S I love you… (feel free to laugh!)

Song: Edwin McCain- I’ll Be

Food: Chinese

Place in York: Not quite York but Knarebourgh Castle at nighttime

Quote: Don’t follow where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.