Community Cast Profile- Tom Jackson who plays Charteris

YTR: Do you have any previous theatre experience? If so tell us a bit about what you have done?

TJ: I haven’t worked with a theatre before but I have worked at my school and at York College in a wide range of shows such as Murder Mystery, Antigone, Disco Inferno, Cabaret, The plays the thing, Real Play, Masque of the Red Death and Canter bury Tales

YTR: What do you do as a job and/ or in your spare time?

TJ: I’m applying for a job with York Dungeons and York Ghost Walk. In my spare time I play Xbox, write, listen to music, meet friends, football and reading.

YTR: What was the first theatre production you saw and what’s the best thing you’ve seen on stage?

TJ: The first production I saw was ‘Stones in his Pockets’ in York .

YTR: What are you enjoying about being in Forty Years On so far?

TJ: I love working on plays and getting the thrill of performing in my first theatre show. I like meeting fellow actors and having a laugh. It’s great rehearsing and performing and laughing

Quick fire round…
What’s your favourite…?

Film: Catch me If You can

Song: Paranoid by Black Sabbath

Food: Steak and Ale Pie

Place in York: Topman on Piccadilly

Quote: Garlic Bread or Carpe Diem